Thursday, June 15, 2006


Why shop secondhand with me?

we don't need to spend more money in another meaningless spanking new mall

one man's poison is another man's meat

we have enough stuff we don't want anymore in our wardrobes to share with the entire female population

we appreaciate affordable and unique fashion that comes from yours and my closet

recycling is a virtue

it's a waste to keep beautiful clothes you don't wear anymore in your wardrobe -- make them pay for your next shopping spree

shopping secondhand is just MORE FUN!

if you also enjoy shopping second hand, please email me your reasons for doing so I can add onto this list.


:) As a certifiable flea-market fiend myself, your new blog's got me grinning ear to ear!
:) As a certifiable flea-market fiend myself, your new blog's got me grinning ear to ear!
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